Jet Set can remove all mold, mildew, organic/inorganic stains and insect nests from exterior structure. This will include everything on the building from the roof line to the concrete, including breezeways. All exterior walls, windows and frames, exterior doors, handrails, signs and building accents can be included. Stains that can also be removed by Jet Set are rust, calcium and lime deposits, graffiti and anything unnatural from building’s original construction other than fading materials due to the influence of natural conditions. All glass is thoroughly rinsed as to avoid any additional cost in window cleaning.

With Jet Set Company’s long range pumps we launch cleaning solutions from our custom truck enclosures effectively up to 50′.  This cuts down on the use for ladders, wall pulley systems, and cranes.  This  reduces cost which Jet Set Company passes on to our clients.  Our operators are safely strapped in for their protection and production stays constant.

Are you part of a major corporation or own your own company with constant pedestrian traffic?  Jet Set Company will adapt to your hours to have your building serviced.

Even with crane use in place, Jet Set Company uses long range stainless steel sprayers to remove tougher unwanted substances.  Wasp nests, dirt daubers, rust, lime, effervescence, and any mold or mildew problem is welcomed as part of our mission.
Jet Set Company loves to clean drive thrus. These areas are a prime residence for insect nests, oil stains, and pedestrian beverage stains. Drug Stores, banks, restaurants and all drive thrus are currently in Jet Set Company’s work schedule. Let us put you on a quarterly schedule and keep these most important areas inviting to your customers.
Distance Nozle
Tower Washing
Concrete Cleaning is an aspect of Jet Set Company’s operation that is extremely efficient. Our multiple cleaning high pressure systems per master rig can clean 700 feet of concrete in any direction. Our technicians can “speed clean” and prepare areas for last minute projects and get the job done.
Parking Garage and Lot Cleaning is another areas Jet Set Company excels in. There is a demand for these areas to be inviting that we excel in. When a customer arrives, they can feel welcomed with a sanitary environment to conduct their business. We also prepare these areas for re-striping.
Our high pressure systems heat the water to over 200 degrees removing the toughest stains.
Soft Wash, (no high pressure), All exterior shingles will be cleaned with an algaecide, oxygen booster, and detergent. This will gently remove all stains and return shingles to their natural color. All landscaping will be protected and roots will be infused with water to protect them from any runoff. Shingles are guaranteed by Jet Set to stay clean for 24 months.
Metal Roof Cleaning
 Half Cleaned Roof
Automotive Centers can be hazardous to work in due to the high volume of fluids that are handled. These can include oil, transmission fluid, hydraulic fluid, DEF, and more. Jet Set Company thoroughly hydro pressure-steams The common areas of traffic making these work environments safer and more effective for employees and possibly customers. It has been shown that when employees are walking on a surface that has more traction not only does it cut down on accidents but increases productivity.
Periodic degreasing of equipment is important to remove old lubricants from expensive equipment. This will allow for old lubricants that are filled with sand, grit and debris from constant use.
Expensive car lifts and alignment systems are cleaned delicately but effectively. With water temperatures exceeding 200 degrees Jet Set technicians can be productive in the process and still keep our sprayers at least 18″ away from these machines.
Interior Automotive Doors are cleaned to bring an appealing aesthetic appearance to the customers.
Oil change pit cleaning and petroleum product recovery
Jet Set Company is well versed and staffed with highly trained epoxy coating technicians. Applications are precisely followed to manufacturer specifications and all coatings we use have a minimum 5 year warranty against chipping and scratching.

Some of the coatings we use can be found in Federal and Military installations made with the finest manufacturing processes.

Jet Set Company only uses epoxy coatings manufactured with 100% solids which give a substantially increased resistance to durability.
Properly preparing surfaces prior to the coating process is hands down the key to a successful and long-lasting finished product. These methods most commonly used are chemical etching, concrete grinding, and shot blasting.
These preparation methods adopted by Jet Set Company are done according to our customer’s needs and can be custom altered upon request.
Filling cracks and cutting in well placed expansion joints are part of Jet Set Company’s thorough quality control prep work. With these careful and necessary steps your beautiful epoxy floors will not be as susceptible to natural foundation settling and hairline pressure cracking from heavy equipment.
Epoxy Coatings can achieve beautiful finishes that differentiate not only in color but texture and design. These vary from a look similar to marble, granite, polished quartzite, and more. Also although epoxy coatings have a natural slip resistant grip, additives can be mixed in to give extra fall protection for areas with high pedestrian traffic such as airports, malls, and restaurants.
Areas such as arenas, stadiums. military bases, and parking garages are well known friend of Jet Set Company. After a through cleaning waterproofing epoxy sealants can be added with directional designs for traffic needs.
Any signage used for vehicle traffic is DOT rated accordingly to State specifications.
Garage Expoxy
Auto Center Epoxy
Hangar Epoxy